MAY I interest you in a sale?

Don’t miss out on this! We have a spring sale going on right now till the end of May.

Set next year up for success now so you can have worry free summer and start to next year. Head to our website and get 20% off our Curriculum Kits.

Our Curriculum kits have everything you need for one whole school year to teach your subject matter optimally and stress free. Included in these kits are resource pages already printed and laminated organized by chapter for your convenience. We also have every manipulative big and small you need. Items like markers (3 different kinds!), string, rulers, protractors, measuring tape, pennies, you name it! Check out our website to see exactly what we have to offer. We have Curriculum kits from Core Connections 1 all the way to Integrated III.

Happy sale shopping!

The Core Matters Team